eddy d field stadium

Eddy D. Field Stadium - Malibu, CA Tickets

Eddy D. Field Stadium Tickets and Seating Charts - Malibu, CA

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Buy Tickets to Eddy D. Field Stadium

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Eddy D. Field Stadium. However, we expect Eddy D. Field Stadium to announce more events soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with the venue. Read about parking, concessions, seating, rideshare, public transportation, bag policy, amenities, and more, and check back soon to buy Eddy D. Field Stadium tickets!

Eddy D. Field Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Malibu, California, that was built in 1961. Featuring a seating capacity of more than 13,000 fans, the stadium was home to Pepperdine University’s collegiate football team until the program's discontinuation in 2019. Throughout its 58 year history, the stadium has hosted a variety of events, including concerts, conferences and other public events with performances from renowned artists like U2 and Bob Dylan. In addition to providing ample space for athletic competition and leisurely activities, Eddy D. Field Stadium is counted among one of Southern California’s most beloved entertainment venues for all kinds of music lovers. Located in scenic Malibu, come out and support your local players at this beautiful stadium! Don't miss out on the chance to explore this iconic beach city! Gorgeous Pacific vistas await you from every angle, yet it's the sweeping beauty of Malibu's beaches and coves that make it such a must-visit destination. The pristine coastline is perfect for swimming, surfing, sunning or a leisurely stroll. There are also numerous hiking trails to explore with great views of Malibu Lagoon State Beach and the famous Zuma Beach. Head inland for some wine tasting at one of the many vineyards in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation area or hop across PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) to shop and dine in downtown Malibu. Enjoy plenty of action-packed activities, including kayaking on Topanga Creek, stand-up paddle boarding at El Matador State Beach and mountain biking around Point Mugu State Park. For an incredible wildlife experience, head over to Paradise Cove where you can feed seals and sea lions – it's sure to be a memory you'll never forget! Whether you're a Pepperdine University Waves fan or just looking for some quality baseball in a stunning setting, Eddy D. Field Stadium is the perfect spot for you! With its beautiful views of the Pacific Ocean, Catalina Island, and Santa Monica Mountains coupled with its comfortable seating and exciting action on the field, it's no mystery as to why this is ranked as one of the best college baseball stadiums in Division I. So be sure to check out Eddy D. Field Stadium next time you're looking for an amazing sporting experience!